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作者:bevictor伟德官网    发布时间:2024-10-13 12:32:01
本文摘要:The United States government is increasingly using social media to investigate people who may represent a security threat to the country.美国政府更加推崇利用社交媒体调查有可能对国家安全性导致威胁的人。

The United States government is increasingly using social media to investigate people who may represent a security threat to the country.美国政府更加推崇利用社交媒体调查有可能对国家安全性导致威胁的人。The latest example comes from the Department of Homeland Securitys Customs and Border Protection office. It wants to ask foreign visitors to provide information about their accounts on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.比如说美国国土安全部辖下的海关和边境保护局。该机构白鱼拒绝外国游客递交Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体账号的个人信息。

An optional – or non-required – question would be added to the form that people must complete before entering the United States. The form asks information like the persons name, phone number, and countries they have visited since 2011.入境美国前须要填上的表格中将划入一项新的附加堆问题。该表格拒绝入境者填上姓名、电话号码及2011年以来到过哪些国家等信息。The proposed social media question would only concern travelers who do not need a visa to enter the United States. Travelers from 38 countries are permitted to enter the U.S. without a visa.拒绝索取社交媒体账号的议案仅有针对那些通过免除护照计划转入美国的游客。大约38个国家的游客需要护照才可转入美国。

The Customs and Border Protection office said in its proposal that adding the question would affect about 24 million people. There is a 60-day comment period for the public to share their opinion about the proposal.美国海关和边境保护局在其议案中称之为,这一追加选项将影响大约2400万人。公众可以在60天的评议期内对该议案明确提出建议。U.S. lawmakers have also proposed bills concerning the use of social media for researching possible terrorism links.美国国会议员也明确提出了关于利用社交媒体查出潜在恐怖主义的议案。Senator John McCain sponsored a bill that would require the Department of Homeland Security to look at internet activity and social media profiles of anyone seeking entry to the United States.参议员约翰·麦凯恩明确提出的议案拒绝美国国土安全部检查所有意图转入美国的境外人士的互联网活动及其社交媒体账户。

Senators Martin Heinrich and Jeff Flake sponsored a bill that would permit the Department of Homeland Security to search open source information, including internet and social media postings of people applying for a visa to enter the U.S.参议员马丁·海因里希和杰夫·弗雷克明确提出了一项议案,议案容许美国国土安全部对申请人护照入境人士的公开发表类信息展开调查,还包括互联网和社交媒体的贴文。Senator Chuck Schumer has proposed a different plan to help officials search for possible terror links. He wants to reward people who send officials terrorism-related information from social media posts. Anyone whose information leads to the arrest of someone planning an attack in the U.S. would be paid money.参议员查克·舒默明确提出了一项有所不同的议案来协助官员查询潜在的恐怖袭击线索。他期望政府奖励那些检举社交媒体贴子中不含恐怖主义信息的民众。民众只要获取不利于抓获恐怖分子的线索都会取得奖励。

Schumers proposal would make use of the Justice Departments Rewards for Justice program. Schumer said that investigators need the publics help.舒默的议案将利用到美国司法部的正义奖励计划。舒默回应,调查人员必须群众的协助。Schumer said he wants to award people who come forward with information anywhere from $25,000 to $25 million. In the House of Representatives, Congressman Stephen Fincher proposed a bill that centered on stopping prisoners from becoming radicalized.舒默说道,他期望给举报者获取2.5万到2500万美元的奖励。而众议院的议员斯蒂芬·芬奇明确提出的议案重点是制止囚犯显得保守。

His bill would require volunteers in federal prisons to provide their social media accounts during their background investigations. Fincher called U.S. prisons a breeding ground for Islamic radicalization.该议案拒绝申请人联邦监狱的志愿者在拒绝接受背景调查时要获取其社交媒体账户。芬奇说明称之为,美国监狱一向是伊斯兰极端主义的“温床”。



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