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作者:bevictor伟德官网    发布时间:2024-10-11 12:32:02
本文摘要:Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone at a special event on Sept. 10, sources told AllThingsD. 多位消息人士对《华尔街日报》“AllThingsD”栏目说道,预计苹果公司(Apple)将在9月10日举办的一个尤其活动中公布新款iPhone。

Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone at a special event on Sept. 10, sources told AllThingsD. 多位消息人士对《华尔街日报》“AllThingsD”栏目说道,预计苹果公司(Apple)将在9月10日举办的一个尤其活动中公布新款iPhone。The launch comes at an important time for Apple, which continues to make a lot of money from the iPhone but has seen its global market share dip amid a growing wave of lower-cost Android devices as well as an intense battle with archrival Samsung. 新款手机的公布正逢对苹果来说一个最重要的时刻。

iPhone仍很赚,但由于价格更加较低的安卓(Android)设备不断涌现,以及与主要竞争对手三星(Samsung)之间的血战,苹果在全球市场的份额仍然在下降。One of the key questions is whether Apple adopts a new tactic to address the mid-range of the smartphone market. Historically, Apple has gone after those customers by offering its year-old and two-year-old models for $100 and $200 less than a new iPhone. However, there has been a great deal of talk that the company will debut a new lower-cost iPhone alongside whatever update it has in store for the current iPhone 5. 主要问题之一是,苹果否将采行一种新的策略,以便更有中端智能手机市场的消费者。以往,苹果上市一年和两年的机型不会比刚发售时分别降价100和200美元,该公司借以谋求中端市场用户。

不过,据传该公司将发售一款价格更加较低的新iPhone,将不具备目前iPhone 5所享有的各种功能上的升级。Much of the speculation there has centered on the usual kinds of camera and processor enhancements, as well as the likelihood of a fingerprint sensor. That has been expected ever since Apple acquired Authentec last year. 外界的猜测主要集中于在少见类型的摄像头和处理器功能强化上,以及有可能装有指纹传感器。

自苹果去年并购了Authentec以来,外界仍然不存在这样的预期。Naturally, any new phones will be running iOS 7, which has been in testing since its announcement at Apple’s developer conference in June. The new software includes a radical redesign of the overall look of the iPhone’s menus and icons, but the other new features are largely incremental updates, such as improved notifications, better photo-organizing abilities and additional capabilities for developers. 苹果任何新款手机自然而然都将配备iOS 7。自6月苹果开发者大会上公布了iOS 7以来,该系统仍然在测试之中。

这款新的软件还包括对iPhone菜单和图标整体外观的根本性新的设计,但其他的新功能基本都是小幅的升级,比如改良的通报功能,更加强劲的照片管理功能,以及面向开发者的更加多功能。This has become something of a pattern for Apple, which typically debuts its software update at its June developer conference, tests it for a couple months, then shows the new hardware a couple weeks ahead of the new phone’s availability. The iOS update is also available for older models. Apple has already said that iOS 7 will work on many recent iPhones, iPads and iPod touch devices. 这对苹果来说完全早已出了一种模式。

苹果一般来说在6月举办的开发者大会上公布软件升级,然后测试几个月,在新款手机上市之前几周公布新的硬件。iOS 7对老款机型也某种程度限于。苹果早已说道,iOS 7将限于于最近发售的很多iPhone、iPad和iPod等触屏设备。

Apple is also expected to formally launch the next version of Mac OS X, known as Mavericks, in the coming weeks, though that is not expected at the Sept. 10 event. 预计苹果未来几周还将月公布新款Mac OS X,不过预计会是在9月10日的活动中公布。新款Mac OS X被命名为“Mavericks”(小牛)。An Apple representative declined to comment on the timing of any upcoming events. 苹果发言人拒绝接受就任何将要举办的活动的时间置评。

Consumers, investors (and reportedly board members as well) have been pressing Apple for a more rapid pace of innovation. 消费者和投资者(据传还有董事会成员)仍然呼吁苹果减缓创意步伐。The company has long been rumored to also be working on television and watch projects, though there is no indication either of those are close to debuting. 长期以来,仍然有传言说道苹果也在研发电视和手表项目,不过没迹象表明这两种产品相似公布。



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